Permit Application

General Permit Information

The District permit requirement is not intended to delay or inhibit development. Rather permits are needed so that the managers are kept informed of planned projects, can advise and in some cases provide assistance, and can ensure that land disturbing activity and development occurs in an orderly manner and in accordance with the overall plan for the District. All interpretations of the District's Rules and permit decisions under said rules will incorporate and be consistent with District purposes set forth in Minnesota Statutes section 103D.201. For more information on activity requiring a permit and permit application requirements, please refer to Section 3 of the Rules.

If I am replacing an old culvert with a new culvert that is the same size, do I need a permit?

No, replacing a culvert with a culvert of the same size does not require a permit.

If I have a 12" or 15" existing culvert do I need a permit to replace it with an 18" culvert?

No, 18" culverts are the minimum size culvert in the county inventory, 18" culverts are also the preferred minimum size by the Roseau River Watershed Board.

Do I need a permit to lengthen an existing culvert and crossing?

No, if the diameter of a culvert is not changed but the length of the culvert is increased there is no permit required. It is always good to check with the township or county on their regulations for crossings in road ROW.

Do I need a permit to construct a new ditch or change how water drains on my property?

Yes, any construction or excavation the increases drainage or changes where water flows from a property will require a permit.

Do I need a permit to deepen a ditch on my property?

Yes, a permit is required to deepen, widen or change the alignment of a ditch.

Do I need a permit to replace an 18" culvert with a 24" culvert?

Yes, changing the culvert capacity, either enlarging or shrinking it will require a permit application.

Do I need a permit to clean an existing ditch on my property?

No, ditch cleaning in considered general maintenance and does not require a permit. If the ditch is not on your property (a road side ditch for example), you should verify with the Watershed or County Highway Department that it is not a part of a legal drainage system.